Here are some free resources from Joon! Once you click on the link, you'll be welcomed to several different articles to read upon, videos, and much more! Feel free to explore them as they are a great resource to utilize.

Mental Health Resources for Teens and Parents | Joon Teletherapy

Blog | Joon

Joon Care is a company that offers tele-therapy practice for teens and young adults! You can find more information about their services by clicking on this link. At Fiveable, they are partnered with Joon Care to provide free mental health resources to students in the Fiveable community. This partnership features monthly blog posts and hopefully more live Discord events.

Below are the previous blogs on Fiveable written by Joon:

Imposter Syndrome: Tips and Strategies for Improving Your Self-Confidence | Self-Care | Fiveable

The Overwhelming Stress of Test Anxiety: Recognizing the signs and learning how to support your mental health | Self-Care | Fiveable